Council Resolution of 16 December 1986 on the strengthening of Community action in favour of the environment
Karar Dilini Çevir:

7.1.87 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 3/3
of 16 December 1986
on the strengthening of Community action in favour of the environment
(87/C 3/02)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
Economic Community,
Having regard to the proposals of the Commission,
Whereas it is desirable that a new Community environ-
mental action programme should follow on from the
third action programme (1982-1986);
Welcomes the submission by the Commission of detailed
proposals for a Fourth Environmental Action
Programme and considers that such a programme
provides an opportunity to strengthen decisively
Community action in this area, building on the
achievements of the past, and to determine a coherent
framework within which specific Community actions can
be formulated, coordinated and implemented over the
period 1987 to 1992;
Recalls in this connection that the Single European Act,
which will constitute a new legal basis for the
Community's environment policy, provides in Article 25
that Community actions in this field should have as their
— to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the
— to contribute towards protecting human health,
— to ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural
Recognizes that, if these objectives are to be achieved, it
will be necessary to take action to combat pollution
whenever it may occur, while ensuring that preventive
measures introduced in one part of the environment do
not produce damaging effects in another and that appro-
priate measures should be taken to protect and enhance
Europe's natural heritage;
Reaffirms furthermore its conviction that environmental
protection has to become an essential component of the
economic, industrial, agricultural and social policies
implemented by the Community and its Member States
and acknowledges that it can contribute to better
economic growth and help create jobs;
Underlines in particular the need for environmental
education and training and for greater public awareness
of, and public participation in, environmental issues,
recalling that these are central themes of the European
Year of the Environment 1987;
Stresses the importance of ensuring that both existing and
proposed measures are properly implemented and subject
to regular evaluation, taking particular account of the
potential benefits and costs of action or of lack of
Calls upon the European Parliament and the Economic
and Social Commitee to deliver their opinions on the
Commission proposals as a matter of priority;
Undertakes to consider further the Commission proposals
with a view to identifying, if possible before 30 June
1987, guidelines and priorities for strengthening
Community action in favour of the environment.

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